Key Figures

in € 000’s unless stated otherwise 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Results of operations and cash flows
Revenue 304 436 14,009 2,359 2,294
Net profit for the year -8,237 -14,361 -9,628 -18,193 -14,025
Earnings per share (basic and diluted) (in €)** -0.81 -1.42 -0.95 -1.80 -1.53
Monthly cash use from operations (average) 792 1,190 1,009 1,339 1,146
Cash flows from financing activity 0 0 0 7,540 33,444
Financial position and net assets, staff

(at year-end)

Equity 5,052 13,289 27,650 37,278 47,931
Equity ratio in % 53.7 81.0 84.0 91.0 93.3
Total assets 9,403 16,401 32,909 40,987 51,238
Cash balance/funds 8,321 14,825 29,022 36,203 45,733
Number of employees

(incl. Management Board)

15 46 46 48 44
Number of full-time equivalents

(incl. Management Board)

13 39 39 44 39

* Earnings per share (basic and diluted) were adjusted retrospectively for reporting periods prior to the capital reduction by reverse share split in 2021.

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